Are You New Here??? Here's An Intro Video
Hey MoonBeams,
I used to wish that I could just set aside the thing hard, uncomfortable things and write to you about fluff and ease. I wish I could lean into the mythology or the archetypes of Astrology without ever mentioning racism, capitalism, or patriarchy. I wish I could write only sweet and cheeky thangs that focus on a positive mindset and the Light.
I can feel the overwhelm and burnout you're likely feeling reading my weekly posts. I understand if that's why you don't read or engage with them. I know there is only so much we can take in before we shut down and move away; before we disassociate from the pain and fear we feel.
I remember getting stuck in that cycle back in 2016/17 and just how sick it made me (literally) to start to become aware of how capitalism, racism, and patriarchy rule and destroy EVERY aspect of what could be such beautiful, Magical lives for EVERY being. I see how much easier it is for me to process and exist in this WeRK now that I have moved thru so much of the discomfort and pain. I want to acknowledge that it's not easy to move thru this process AND I want to express that I am aware that it is a personal journey that asks us to rip apart everything we know. I want to say that I know it's beyond hard to even hear these truths let alone to rearrange our lives to align with them.
I feel like I've come out on the other side of this process in the last few weeks and I wanted to tell you that moving thru this is so fucking worth it. It's truly beautiful on the other side of the fake walls of this culture. This shift is in great parts thanks to my amazing WeRK with my Interrupting Racism coach, Nikki Blak but I also give credit to the Eclipses & Mercury Rx in Taurus! That ShadowWeRK was INTENSE y'all.
With that realization, I wanted to share that I now understand that this process of trying to learn and to act and to make change resulting in total overwhelm and disassociation is an intentional part of this toxic culture. We move thru this process over and over because of this system NOT because we are weak or imperfect. It has invested much in keeping us in this awful cycle until we give up.
I look forward to shifting gears a little and offering up more ideas and thoughts on how to break that cycle. On this side of things, I feel a sweetness and a gentleness that I've probably never felt (have I mentioned all the SATURN energy in me before, lol?!?). I no longer feel the rage. I no longer feel hopeless or helpless. I no longer feel afraid of making mistakes or losing safety if I share my true self with the world. I now understand that those feelings were the trick that white supremacy, capitalism, and patriarchy have been playing on me (and all of us).
I hope you'll stick with me thru this shift. I hope you'll start to feel more at ease with this shift. And don't think that means I am gonna get all "nice" and stop saying hard to hear things... it doesn't. I just know that I am coming from a different place, energetically and Magically, and I hope that all of you will feel and receive that energy and that it brings you healing and the bravery to step out of the cycle and make changes.
I love you all so much and I look forward to spending more time with you in Sweet Disruption WeRK. If you have questions or you need support, please reach out to me. Seriously. I am here.
Now, let's get into the AstroWeathers of this week, it's gonna be a fucking wild ride with both Jupiter and Mars changing Signs AND sending harsh aspects to Pluto, now Retrograde in Aquarius. I have put a lot of energy into thinking of ways we can use this energy for Sweet Disruption and I hope you'll be able to lean into that if things get too intense and you feel called back into the loop of overwhelm and disassociation. Don't forget, we're in this together! Let's go...
Here's This Week's Video:

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video Below.

TAURUS SZN | mid-spring dreams

Taurus Season arrived on April 20th, 2023 at 1:13pst.
We're entering the last week of this sweet season now, what?!?!
Don't forget to consider your Taurus Season WeRK as a whole as you move thru each AstroWeathers | The Week Ahead post. Reflection and review WeRK holds a lot of Magic and powerful information for us.
Gemini Season Is Coming!!!
The Sun moves into Gemini on May 21 at 0:09pst. The Gemini Sun Season post will go live on Wednesday May 17th. The new post will include general Gemini Sun Season info AND a WeRKshop on how to move thru the SweetAstro WeRkbook Gemini Sun Season Section. Definitely come back to check that out on May 17th.

Big Ass Transits Of The Week!!!

♃→♉︎ & ♃♉︎ □ ♇℞♒︎ | Jupiter Enters Taurus
AND THEN Squares Pluto in Aquarius
| 2023 MAY 16 & 17 | 10:19 & 18:10pst | 0º18'
This exact Square between Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius doesn't happen again until October 2035

♂→♌︎ & ♂♌︎ □ ♇℞♒︎ | Mars Enters Leo AND THEN
Opposes Pluto in Aquarius
| 2023 MAY 20 | 8:13 & 20:11pst | 0º17'
MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will light up Aries, Taurus, and Gemini
The Moon will be in its Dark & New Moon Phases in Aries & Taurus. And after this the Eclipse Portal closes and we are done eclipsing until Autumn.
What Houses will The Moon light up in your chart? Notice what Houses are being traveled in your chart to see where you may be more emotional or intuitive this week. It's also valuable to notice what planets in your natal chart will be illuminated by The Moon too.
Taurus Sun | ARIES MOON | 2023 MAY 15 |
The Dark Moon is now occurring at the end of the Sun Season. Take some time to consider what that means after moving thru this Eclipse and Mercury Retrograde flavored Taurus Sun Season. The Dark Moon in Aries is always asking us to sit with the most tender and vulnerable part of us. It can be a challenging lunation (or lack of lunation) because of how we're taught to avoid these fragile emotions at all costs. This is magnified for those socialized as male. My hope is that we will start to realize that toxic masculinity impacts ALL of us and it's a major root of our collective struggles. One that's easy to avoid because much of the "blame" for these toxic ideologies has been placed on "men". This lunation asks to to ponder WHY that mindset is actually harmful and it will keep us from moving forward and getting free. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't hold individuals accountable for bad behavior or that we shouldn't be upset for how we may have been victimized by it; it means we should flip the script over and read the back. We should lean into understanding WHY "men" do what they do. If you're struggling to understand this I highly recommend watching this short documentary (The Feminist in Cellblock Y), the TV series Ted Lasso and/or the first episode of Queer Eye Season 7, Episode 1.
Taurus Sun | TAURUS MOON | 2023 MAY 17 | THE NEW MOON | 2023 MAY 19 @ 8:53pst | 28º
With this lunation we still have a little Eclipse dust so I still don't recommend doing any rituals BUT I do invite you to consider and reflect on this Eclipse Cycle in Taurus, as well as the overall period of Eclipses in the Taurus/Scorpio polarity.
You can learn more about those dates and vibes here.

Taurus Sun | GEMINI MOON | 2023 MAY 19 |
This lunation ushers us into Gemini Season, splitting The Sun's light on The Moon between the two Signs but NOT creating a New Moon in Gemini.
How does it feel to have The Moon divided this way? Did you notice a shift as The Sun changed it's light on Sunday?
The Dark Moon is a time of Retreat & Introspection. The Last Quarter Moon WeRK you did last week was powerful & the Dark Moon is a time to take a big, juicy rest so you can have the energy to plant those New Moon intention seeds. The Dark Moon is the Death part of the Death/Rebirth Cycle. It is the big sleep, the quiet & the underneath. This is Moon most Magical practices try to avoid Ritualizing. It can be a scary, uncomfortable time but this is when the Compost Magic is most potent. Recharge YOU, boo.

The New Moon is the spark of light that appears after the Dark Moon phase. This is a time of rest after so much reflecting & releasing, healing & growing. Like waking from a blissful sleep, the New Moon flickers & beams moonlight back into our eyes reminding us that we are alive & we have seeds to plant.

MAGICmooning | This Week's Moon Phase & Ritual
The Moon Rituals are on hold for Taurus Season; The Gemini Season Moon Rituals will be launched on May 22nd, 2023.

Here is the chart of The New Moon, in Taurus. Use this info to draw the chart into your SweetAstro WeRKbooks.

Let's take a little walk into the AstroAlgebra and the AstroGeometry of this lunation.
This is the last lunation during this Eclipse Season and, while I don't recommend any Moon Magic during an Eclipse Season, I will break down this chart because we can learn a lot about Eclipses & Astrology by looking at these charts.
This is a Cancer Rising chart making The Moon the Ruler. We find The Moon exalted in Taurus in the 11th House of groups, communities, hopes & dreams.
Because The Moon is in Taurus, this lunation is ruled by Venus, now midway thru its journey in Cancer. This means The Moon and Venus are in Mutual Reception with each other. (They've swapped Houses)
The Sun in Taurus, about to jump into Gemini this weekend. In Taurus it is also ruled by Venus. With both Luminaries in the last degrees of the 11th House this lunation may ask us to sit in the darkness of our collective WeRK. It may be uncomfortable but it could also reveal new pathways of hope - should we choose different perspectives whenever a challenge shows up. Leaning on our friends and ComMOONIties can be a key lesson in this Moon Phase.
When looking at this chart I got curious about Jupiter joining the big ComMOONity of Planets in Taurus. Now Jupiter is also ruled by that Venus in Cancer, as are The North Node, Mercury (still in its Shadow but out of Retrograde), Uranus, and the Luminaires. That is a lot of WeRK for Venus in Cancer. I'd expect much emotional WeRK, especially in our relationships with capitalism's "lack mindset" weapons and our fears of poverty. This could be an excellent lunation for creating bonds of mutual aid and community support systems that provide more than just food, shelter, etc.
Where do we get emotional support? That's the big question I am asking during this last Taurus Season lunation
Remember that it's always a good idea to look at where the planets will be in your chart during any lunation or transit.
What House is Taurus in your chart?
What are these House themes in your chart and can you connect those vibes to your New Moon WeRK this week? And don't forget that this is a very soft Eclipse and it's best not to engage too much with Moon Magic, but instead use this time to go deep within to explore your inner self in relation to these parts of your chart.
U P D A T E S | announcements, events & special offerings

The Threshold Pathway III Is Here!
I am so fucking excited about the third and FINAL BETA test version of the WeRKbook y'all! It's been a year in the making! It's thanks to all of you who've WeRKing these tests and giving me so much feedback that I am here today. And I love being here so much!! This is my LifeWeRk, my HeartWeRK and for you I am grateful, so grateful... so, let's get into it!
Before you purchase you're WeRKbook you may want to note these dates on your calendar so you can get the most out of this journey. The WeRKbook is connected to the AstroArtistry Website and it's designed to be used with the content and videos posted there. You'll want to familiarize your SELF with the website features. The WeRKbook also has QR codes that take you to the correct pages online.
Opening Date: June 10th, 2023, online WeRKshops open/begin
Cancer Season: Live Q&A WeRKshop, June 19th, 2023, 16:00-18:00pst
First Sun Season Begins: Cancer Season, June 21st, 2023
Leo Season: Live Q&A WeRKshop, July 17th, 2023, 16:00-18:00pst
Second Sun Season Begins: Leo Season, July 22nd, 2023
Virgo Season: Live Q&A WeRKshop, August19th, 2023, 16:00-18:00pst
Third Sun Season Begins: Virgo Season, August 23rd, 2023
These are only suggested starting or WeRKing dates. You can also go at your own pace and begin in any Sun Season you'd like. The online content is recorded and updated regularly so making sure you have the time to engage with the IRL content is key to this WeRK.
I've added new offerings, including the ONE QUESTION SESSION where I may use several of my Magical Gifts & Tools to offering insights on one big question that's up for you. This is great if you're trying to make an important decision or if you're looking for more specific advice. This isn't considered an Astrology Reading but I may use your Astro Info as another divination tool in this session.
I also added new Membership options that I hope will make the Membership track more accessible for folx. I do have payment plans available and highly recommend this option for those who are really ready to use Astrology as a tool for living your best, best, best life. I have seen so much growth and expansion for my Membership clients and it's really a massive joy for me to be able to WeRK with y'all in this way. If you have questions about Memberships, payment plans or accessibility for this option, please reach out.
I hope to see y'all at some point this summer!
Check Out My New Membership Options:
- MEMBERSHIPS | intuitive annual astrology readings package
- MEMBERSHIPS | the waypath
- MEMBERSHIPS | intensive : the threshold pathway
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.