Hey MoonBeams,
I hope you were able to move thru last week with style and grace. I hope you helped where you could and asked for help when you needed to. I know I learned a lot last week. Please feel free to share your personal stories and experiences (either in the videos, comments or via DM, email, or texts to me directly). We want to hear and see each other... it's the only way to be heard and seen!
This week is bringing some interesting energy. Mercury will Station Direct BUT that doesn't mean the Retrograde cycle is over... we will be in the Shadow of this cycle until June 1, 2023. Never forget all the opportunities that come with a Mercury Retrograde (lol, snort!).
Before we get into it, I changed things up a little bit and added an Intro video that goes over some FAQ's, tips and a general 'WTF are we doing this anyway' rundown. If you're new or if you found your way here for the first time, check that out. It might be helpful even to the OGs and regulars too. Let me know if I missed anything. Hopefully this video will mean I can shorten the weekly videos a bit.
Okay, let's do the WeRK now...

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video Below.

Are You New Here??? Here's A New Intro Video
Here's This Week's Video:
TAURUS SZN | mid-spring dreams

Taurus Season arrived on April 20th, 2023 at 1:13pst. We've officially reached the middle of Taurus Season last week!
Don't forget to consider your Taurus Season WeRK as a whole as you move thru each AstroWeathers | The Week Ahead post. Reflection and review WeRK holds a lot of Magic and powerful information for us.
Big Ass Transits Of The Week!!!

☉☌♅♉︎ | The Sun Conjunct Uranus in Taurus | 2023 MAY 01 | 12:55pst | 18º56'

☿SD♉︎ | Mercury Stations Direct in Taurus | 2023 MAY 14 | 20:16pst | 05º51'
MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will light up Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces
The Moon will be in its Last Quarter Phase in Aquarius. And after this the Eclipse Portal closes and we are done eclipsing until Autumn.
What Houses will The Moon light up in your chart? Notice what Houses are being traveled in your chart to see where you may be more emotional or intuitive this week. It's also valuable to notice what planets in your natal chart will be illuminated by The Moon too.
Taurus Sun | CAPRICORN MOON | 2023 MAY 08 |
Counting all the beans. Stocking all the shelves in the doomsday bunker. Resetting the goal sheet and the budget. Stubbornness level 12.5.
Taurus Sun | AQUARIUS MOON | 2023 MAY 10 |
Fuck those goal sheets and budgets, those are tools of the machine. Let's create community instead of bunkers. Let's build systems of collective wealth and wellness. Let's stampede thru the streets and trample all the things that don't put the collective first. Then we will have a big, weird party and a giant feast to celebrate how much we love humanity.
Taurus Sun | PISCES MOON | 2023 MAY 12 |
Whew, so fucking tired. Need alone time immediately. Commence hiding out in the favorite place, eating the favorite snacks and probably imbibing in the spirits that help open up the big thoughts about world peace and unity while staying reasonable about meeting the needs of billions of beings. Big ideas with some follow thru BUT rest is the most important element of how this lunation can do big Magic. What will our dreams carry forward?
MAGICmooning | This Week's Moon Phase & Ritual
The Last Quarter Moon is a time of Surrender & Release. The Full Moon WeRK you did last week was powerful & the Last Quarter Moon is a time to take action on releasing the blocks that you discovered need to GTFO during the Full Moon Ritual. It’s okay if you check back & find that not everything is ready to be released. Trust your instincts. This Moon invites you to prepare the Compost that will brew into fuel during the Dark Moon & feed the Seeds of your Intentions in the New Moon.

The Moon Rituals are on hold for Taurus Season.
I can't believe it didn't register that this was an Eclipse Season Portal and no Moon Magic should be done during that window. Instead, I will create the Lunation Chart Delinations (above) and talk more about things we can do during Eclipse Cycles in the weekly video...

Here is the chart of The Last Quarter Moon, in Aquarius. Use this info to draw the chart into your SweetAstro WeRKbooks.

Let's take a little walk into the AstroAlgebra and the AstroGeometry of this lunation.
This is the last lunation during this Eclipse Season and, while I don't recommend any Moon Magic during an Eclipse Season, I will break down this chart because we can learn a lot about Eclipses & Astrology by looking at these charts.
This is a Gemini Rising chart making Mercury the ruler. We find Mercury in Taurus, preparing to end its Retrograde motion in a few days. It's slowing down in the 12th House with The Sun, Uranus, and The North Node too.
Because The Moon is in Aquarius, this lunation is ruled by Saturn, now settling into its journey thru in Pisces and bringing us a good dose of structure from the 10th House.
We already know that The Sun in Taurus is ruled by Venus but this lunation is the only one in the series that has Venus in Cancer, a much different energy than Venus in Gemini. This also creates an additional thread between The Sun and The Moon because The Moon is ruling Venus and Venus is ruling The Sun.
When looking at this chart I got curious about the Last Quarter Moon's energy moving between the 9th and 12th Houses. The relationship between these two Houses can potentially elevate a connection to our subconscious. The Moon in Aquarius in the 9th House of high spirituality, philosophy, and Astrology may ask us to build a new structure that lifts up our intuition AND encourages others to do the same. The Sun in the 12th House invites us to look deeply into our subconscious, shining a bright light on what we've repressed or ignored due to our cultural programming. This could be a great opportunity to reimagine a world where our Shadows and Darkness are integral parts of our lives again... just an idea to ponder!
Remember that it's always a good idea to look at where the planets will be in your chart during any lunation or transit.
What House is Taurus in your chart?
What House is Aquarisu in your chart?
What are these two Houses themes and can you connect those vibes to your Full Moon WeRK this week? And don't forget that this is a very soft Eclipse and it's best not to engage too much with Moon Magic, but instead use this time to go deep within to explore your inner self in relation to these parts of your chart.
U P D A T E S | announcements, events & special offerings

The next Threshold Pathway will be opening on May 10th. That means it's ALMOST time to purchase your next SweetAstro WeRKbook & to prepare for SUMMER / Cancer Season to arrive (yay! Summer!!!)
Please don't purchase a WeRKbook until the new link is shared here; I am making some really cool edits and updates based on the feedback from past Threshold Pathway members.
Remember, this offering is still in a BETA phase so those of you who've been walking this path for a while will get a special email with a feedback form that I'd love for you to fill out for me ASAP. I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate you all! I am so excited about what's next for us!
If you have any questions, please reach out!
I've added new offerings, including the ONE QUESTION SESSION where I may use several of my Magical Gifts & Tools to offering insights on one big question that's up for you. This is great if you're trying to make an important decision or if you're looking for more specific advice. This isn't considered an Astrology Reading but I may use your Astro Info as another divination tool in this session.
I also added new Membership options that I hope will make the Membership track more accessible for folx. I do have payment plans available and highly recommend this option for those who are really ready to use Astrology as a tool for living your best, best, best life. I have seen so much growth and expansion for my Membership clients and it's really a massive joy for me to be able to WeRK with y'all in this way. If you have questions about Memberships, payment plans or accessibility for this option, please reach out.
I hope to see y'all at some point this summer!
Check Out My New Membership Options:
- MEMBERSHIPS | intuitive annual astrology readings package
- MEMBERSHIPS | the waypath
- MEMBERSHIPS | intensive : the threshold pathway
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.
Getting back to my standard of health and vitality this week, finally! I hope everyone else is also feeling healthy and well!
xo, d.

Thank you!
Glad youre feeling better this week:)