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AstroWeathers | The Week Ahead | 2023 JUNE 5 - 11

Here's This Week's Video:

astrology chart of the the week

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video Below.

Gemini Season

The Sun moved into Gemini on May 21 at 0:09pst. 

How's it buzzin' bee babes? Make sure you check out the Gemini Season post for info and tips on this busy Season. 

Big Ass Transits Of The Week!!!

digital art by dianna​​

Venus Enters Leo

The beauty tho...

digital art by dianna​​

Venus In Leo Activates that Fixed Grand Cross | Venus in Leo Oppose Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius, Square both The North Node in Taurus &The South Node in Scorpio, AND Square Jupiter in Taurus.

The value of change is immeasurable until we finally find the tools to measure it. 

digital art by dianna​​

Pluto Retrograde Re-enters Capricorn

When you have to go back into your past and sort thru the rubble looking for all the gems and golden nuggets you missed. 

digital art by dianna​​

Mercury Enters Gemini


Sending our minds a buzzzzzz. Go chase a butterfly or count the petals on all the flowers. 

MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!

WTF is a MoonScope?

This week The Moon will light up Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces

The Moon will be in its Last Quarter Phase. 

What Houses will The Moon light up in your chart? Notice what Houses are being traveled in your chart to see where you may be more emotional or intuitive this week. It's also valuable to notice what planets in your natal chart will be illuminated by The Moon too. 

Gemini Sun |  CAPRICORN MOON | 2023 JUNE 5 |

Let's talk about bones. 

Gemini Sun |  AQUARIUS MOON | 2023 JUNE 7 | 

Let's talk about all the weird shit science can do to innovate and help the collective. 


Let's talk all the things we can't understand, not so we can understand them but so we can be in awe of all that we don't understand. 


The Last Quarter Moon is a time of Surrender & Release. The Full Moon WeRK you did last week was powerful & the Last Quarter Moon is a time to take action on releasing the blocks that you discovered need to GTFO during the Full Moon Ritual. It’s okay if you check back & find that not everything is ready to be released. Trust your instincts. This Moon invites you to prepare the Compost that will brew into fuel during the Dark Moon & feed the Seeds of your Intentions in the New Moon. 

MAGICmooning | This Week's Moon Phase & Ritual

The Moon Rituals are now LIVE for Gemini Season! 

Check them out here and let me know what you think!!! 

U P D A T E S  | announcements, events & special offerings

The Threshold Pathway III Is About to Close! 

This is the last week to purchase the SweetAstro WeRKbook before this third portal closes. If you decide to order one make sure the shipping allows you to receive it before June 18th or 19th. We will start doing the Astro101 Lessons and WeRK sessions on June 10th but all of that is move at your own pace so you can always catch up. 

I am so fucking excited about the third and FINAL BETA test version of the WeRKbook y'all! It's been a year in the making! It's thanks to all of you who've WeRKing these tests and giving me so much feedback that I am here today. And I love being here so much!! This is my LifeWeRk, my HeartWeRK and for you I am grateful, so grateful... so, let's get into it! 


Before you purchase you're WeRKbook you may want to note these dates on your calendar so you can get the most out of this journey. The WeRKbook is connected to the AstroArtistry Website and it's designed to be used with the content and videos posted there. You'll want to familiarize your SELF with the website features. The WeRKbook also has QR codes that take you to the correct pages online. 



Opening Date: June 10th, 2023, online WeRKshops open/begin

Cancer Season: Live Q&A WeRKshop, June 19th, 2023, 16:00-18:00pst

First Sun Season Begins: Cancer Season, June 21st, 2023

Leo Season: Live Q&A WeRKshop, July 17th, 2023, 16:00-18:00pst

Second Sun Season Begins: Leo Season, July 22nd, 2023

Virgo Season: Live Q&A WeRKshop, August19th, 2023, 16:00-18:00pst

Third Sun Season Begins: Virgo Season, August 23rd, 2023

These are only suggested starting or WeRKing dates. You can also go at your own pace and begin in any Sun Season you'd like. The online content is recorded and updated regularly so making sure you have the time to engage with the IRL content is key to this WeRK. 



I've added new offerings, including the ONE QUESTION SESSION where I may use several of my Magical Gifts & Tools to offer insights on one big question that's up for you. This is great if you're trying to make an important decision or if you're looking for more specific advice. This isn't considered an Astrology Reading but I may use your Astro Info as another divination tool in this session. 

I also added new Membership options that I hope will make the Membership track more accessible for folx. I do have payment plans available and highly recommend this option for those who are really ready to use Astrology as a tool for living your best, best, best life. I have seen so much growth and expansion for my Membership clients and it's really a massive joy for me to be able to WeRK with y'all in this way. If you have questions about Memberships, payment plans, or accessibility for this option, please reach out. 

I hope to see y'all at some point this summer!

Check Out My New Membership Options:

  1. MEMBERSHIPS | intuitive annual astrology readings package
  2. MEMBERSHIPS | the waypath
  3. MEMBERSHIPS | intensive : the threshold pathway

I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button. 

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