The star players of the week are Mercury and Venus. This means we could see a lot of intense conversations about relationships. We could change our minds about what's really valuable. We could speak up and out for changes that, while uncomfortable, are imperative for better systems and structures.
Are you ready?

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video Below.

Here's This Week's Video:

Big Ass Transit Of The Week!!!
Mercury Stations Retrograde in Capricorn | 22.12.29 | 01:31pst | 24º
Nostalgic Nausea:
Time to retrace the WeRK you've done since 12/12/22 when Mercury reached 8º of Capricorn. What has been stuck, glitched, blocked, or confused in this part of your life (Check your Capricorn House themes for your personal details)

MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will thru half of Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries.
The Moon will be in the First Quarter Moon Phase.
The First Quarter Moon is a time of action & activation. During a First Quarter Moon, we can pull the Magic of the New Moon towards us & initiate the first spark of growth our seeds need to spout. It is important to review your New Moon Ritual as you prepare this First Quarter Moon Ritual.

Moon In Aquarius | Sun In Capricorn |
Moon In Pisces | Sun In Capricorn |

Moon In Aries | Sun In Capricorn |
Moon In Taurus | Sun In Capricorn |
Moon Phase This Week

The First Quarter Moon | In Aries |
Moon Ritual WeRKshops Coming Soon!
This Week's Events & Reminders
A gentle reminder that "everyone" does NOT celebrate Christmas. This is a good time to look at the history of this holiday and make sure you understand the real reason for the season is most often CAPITALISM.
Luckiily we're having a Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn this next week and those often reveal great, uncomfortable truths about how the powers that be use nostalgia and traditions against us.
Take note of what was hard leading up to your end of year celebrations. How many of the "thangs" you did to celebrate were simply thangs you've always done?
How can you look at these things in a new way. Decide to keep them if they truly bring you joy OR let them go because they actually trigger some toxic shit for you.
How can you try to make new traditions in the future? Perhaps ones that honor the cycles of the Earth, nature and YOU all at the same time!
Just something to chew on my darlings. I do hope you hold on fiercely to the thangs that do bring you joy. There is no reason to feel bad or ashamed or worried about how you celebrate - channel that ShadowWeRK into checking in on what you do, just to be sure. If you WANT it then make sure you OWN it and don't allow it to stress you ever again.
Okay, love ya! And don't forget to leave any feedback you have about the Weekly AstroWeathers so far!
I created an AstroWeathers | The Year Ahead video for the Threshold Pathway.
It's available for everyone to view if you're curious. This video is heavily focused on using the new SweetAstro WeRkbook but there are some juicy bits about what's coming in the year ahead. If you watch it I'd love your feedback... there's a place to submit feedback below!

Special Of The Week!
BIt's YOU. You are special this week!
Give your SELF a break today!
Looking forward to digging into The SweetAstro WeRKbook next week. I received my copies and I know some of you have too!
I love all the tags and videos you're creating on social too! Please feel free to share those short videos and images of your WeRK!
I welcome your feedback, edits, ideas, etc.
Take care of you, take care of each other!
I love you so fucking much!
xo, d.