First, watch the video where I tell you all about my Retrograde chronicles AND because it's the only place to get all the original and corrent blog content.
What does that mean?
Well, I posted my final blog this morning. Then I made the video from that published post. During the video, I realized there was an error in the Venus Rx section (which is another update below) and when I went in to fix that there was a power outage about 20 minutes after I made the change and published it again (we've been having these power outages every day this week for a few minutes at a time for some reason, maybe the fires that are getting closer to us now but IDFK) and when the power came back on I went to create the newsletter post to which I wanted to quote some sections of the blog so I went in to grab that info and all the work I had done this morning (which thank gawd wasn't that much) was all GONE. Two hours of work, just gone. In several boxes. It basically reverted back to what I had last night but not this morning. Which is technically impossible the IT tech said. He said they could maybe fix it but there is no protocol for that so they would let me know Monday. LOL. This company is amazing and I am sure they will fix it so I am going to leave it alone. Maybe this Mercury RX is trying to help them edit or fix something so yay them BUT that means you gotta watch the video to get all the most recent info and I'll just delete the old stuff. I am not gonna redo it, not after the hilarity of this week. Also, I am fine and I think this is such a great example of Astro IRL.
Oh, and one of the dates on the Venus Rx section below has been wrong for weeks and I didn't notice (And I need an editor!) It should say Stations Direct 9/3 not 9/9.
AND!!!! Another mistake FFS. I said Uranus ended it's Retrograde and it's STARTED IT last week. I don't know why I am having such a hard time with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus but I promise I'll figure it out, LOL. Disregard what I said about Uranus being direct, it is RETROGRADE!!!
Okay, hope you're all getting thru this more easily than I am. Loves to you.

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week.
For more details, watch the Weekly Video OR listen to the new Podcast!

This Week's Video Will Be Posted On 9/1
Virgo Season
The Sun moved from Leo to Virgo at 2:02 pst on August 23, 2023.
We made it thru our first week of Virgo Season!
How y'all doing? What did you learn in your prep and review WeRK last week?

MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will be in Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer this week.
The Moon will move thru its Last Quarter Moon Phase in Gemini.
What Houses will The Moon light up in your chart? Notice what Houses are being traveled in your chart to see where you may be more emotional or intuitive this week. It's also valuable to notice what planets in your natal chart will be illuminated by The Moon
Virgo Sun | GEMINI MOON |
Learn more about the Gemini Last Quarter Moon Ritual…
2023 SEPTEMBER 06 @ 15:21pst
MAGICmooning | This Week's Moon Phase & Ritual
The Last Quarter Moon is a time of Surrender & Release. The Full Moon WeRK you did last week was powerful & the Last Quarter Moon is a time to take action on releasing the blocks that you discovered need to GTFO during the Full Moon Ritual. It’s okay if you check back & find that not everything is ready to be released. Trust your instincts. This Moon invites you to prepare the Compost that will brew into fuel during the Dark Moon & feed the Seeds of your Intentions in the New Moon.

The Virgo Season Moon Rituals are live
Are you ready for the annual cleanse?
THIS WEEK: Last Quarter Moon in Gemini | September 6, 2023 | 15:21pst | 14º04'
LQ RITUAL THOUGHT & JOURNAL PROMPTS: Do you know your own mind? Now that you've reclaimed abilities to express your emotions more intelligently (hopefully) what does it mean to have so much Mercurial energy around you? Can you be emotional AND literal/linear at the same time?

SweetAstro Collective | UPDATES, prep tools, how-to videos, & more…
The SweetAstro WeRKbooks | Fourth Edition
Everything you need to know about the SweetAstro WeRKbook can be found here.
The Last Threshold Pathway in this BETA TEST Cycle Is Here! The SweetAstroWeRKbook 4.0!!
I love this FINAL BETA test version of the WeRKbook y'all! It's been a year in the making and the intenSion is to launch officially in Capricorn Season. Thank you to everyone who has participated and shared feedback, suggestions, confusions, and struggles with me. YOU made this WeRKbook too!
NEW WeRKBOOKS Now Available!
I've released a NEW version of the SweetAstro Collective WeRKbooks!
This is a lite version of the SweetAstro WeRKbook called the MOONlite WeRKbook.
It's similar but simplified, focusing on only Sun & Moon transits to your chart. It still has weekly journal pages (but fewer) as well as prep pages for Moon Rituals, divination pages, three Sun Seasons, and one Quarterly prep page too.
It's still a Magical planner for the next three months so please check it out! This will be part of the last round of WeRKbook BETA testing so I appreciate everyone who has been participating & sharing feedback so far.
Who is this WeRKbook for? If you found the SweetAstro WeRKbook to be too complicated or intense for your current lifestyle this WeRKbook may be a better starting point for you. It's also more gentle for those of you who don't have as much Astrology experience.
The MOONlite WeRKbook is also available for the first time DIGITALLY. So, if you've been wanting to try out a paperless version of the WeRKbook offerings, now is your chance.
I look forward to your feedback and if you'd like to share this with your peeps you are more than welcome to do that AND thanks in advance for helping me grow the test audience. I know there is a group of you doing this like a book club and I've heard great things about doing this WeRK with accountability buddies (so fun!)
Of course, the full SweetAstro WeRKbook 4.0 will also be available (launching 9/6) so look out for that if you want to keep going on that trajectory.
Click the links below to get your copy of the MOONlite WeRKbook…
Don't forget to check in on your Mercury Retrograde in Virgo WeRK!
How's it been going for you? What happened for during the Ingress Shadow Period? If we skip the review part we may miss some important clues and signals that Mercury sends during the Retrograde Period. This is our chance to do the editing and fixing of what was fucked up during the Shadow. Let me know if you need any help with this technique!
MERCURY retrograde | VIRGO
Enters Shadow
|8/4/2023 @ 8º Virgo
Stations Retrograde
|8/24/2023 @ 21º Virgo
Stations Direct
|9/15/2023 @ 8º Virgo
Exits Shadow
|9/30/2023 @ 21º Virgo

Venus Retrograde in Leo | REFLECTION REMINDER!
Well, Venus has slowed, stopped and will now be moving forward - every so slowly - in Leo now. This is our chance to see how some of our Entry Shadow and Retrograde lessons can be integrated into this final Shadow Phase until October 7th when this cycle ends.
Where's the value babes?
Venus Retrograde in Leo Timeline
Enters Rx Shadow June 20 at 12º
Stations Retrograde July 23 at 28º
CORRECTED>>Stations Direct September 3 at 12º
Exits Rx Shadow October 7 at 28º

GENERAL U P D A T E S | announcements, events & special offerings…
Check out my new ART JOURNALS.
CHECK OUT MY JENNIFER MAGAZINE ARTICLE | Virgo Season. Rewriting The Health & Wellness Doctrine of Capitalism
Don't forget that you can revisit my July article in Jennifer Magazine as part of your Leo Season reflection WeRK. There is some good stuff in there MoonBeams so even if you read it at the beginning of the month I recommend going back and reading it again to see how it lands now.
Check out the other articles in Jennifer Magazine too. I am so honored and excited to be part of this disruptive and influential publication.
For Virgo Season I wrote an article about using Mercury Retrograde cycles to do deep personal ShadowWeRK while also fighting capitalism, patriarchy, and whiteness. It's good stuff.
Subscribe to receive more delicious content from Jennifer Magazine too!

TAROT CARD OF THE WEEK: Six of Pentacles, Reversed.

RECAP ON THE CARD OF THE WEEK: Since I always think of Tarot as the most Virgo Tool ever I thought it would be fun to pull a card for each week during the rest of the Mercury Retrograde Cycle, especially since it's rolling thru Virgo and doing all this weird shit to me.
I also thought it would be fun NOT to talk about or share any interpretations of the cards. Instead, I invite YOU to do some research about the card and how it relates to your week. Add this to your journaling and notes. I'll do the same. Then, after this cycle is done I'll lay them all out and we can see if there's a bigger message or interesting pattern there. Sound fun?
Personal Updates:
Here are some photos of my Moon Ritual WeRK:
I love when y'all share photos of your Moon Rituals and your WeRK in your WeRKbooks!
I actually made a reel on IG about preparing for the Full Moon in Pisces. If y'all want to share your Moon WeRK process or images… I always love to see them!
If you haven't checked out the Moon Rituals yet, I hope you'll get in there and soak up some of the Magic that's flowing through me to y'all.
The Virgo Season Moon Rituals are always big for me! Must be because I have Virgo in the House of the Goddess (3rd House)

I am seeing a thread that many of you have been disconnected or overwhelmed the last few weeks but you're starting to reemerge in Virgo Season. Must be because so many of you have strong Virgo placements or big Virgo WeRK to do in the world. If you've been feeling this way, let me know. I'd love to see if there's something I could create or share to help us all understand our Virgo WeRK better. I know part of my overall WeRK is to heal Virgo and compost the Shadows of this Magical Sign. I am seeing now how I have focused a lot of energy on some parts of this WeRK and not others so knowing that some of you are also going thru it right now helps me develop unique balms and medicines for us all!
Keeping this reminder in, just so everyone knows I may be a bit slow to respond to things the week of 9/11… I am having a really exciting surgery in September so I'll be recuperating for at least a week (9/11-17).
I will be traveling to Hawai'i in October. My bestest friend, Aria lives there and it's been a long, long time since I've seen her IRL. I am going to help her with some of her events and hopefully do some Magic while I am there. This trip is a strange and powerful alignment with much of the WeRK that was predicted in my forecast readings and divination back in Capricorn & Aquarius Seasons so even tho I have fly over the ocean I am beyond excited and blessed to have this pathway open before me.
Thank you all for any energy you sent my way. Sadly I was not accepted to the intensive Death Doula training in mid-November. I know I need to lay some foundational WeRK here so I plan to do that. I will answer what's been calling me for years and that pathway will open when it's right. If anyone has any interest or experience with Death WeRK and you want to chat about it, let me know. Yes, there will STILL be new offerings coming forth from this WeRK here too. (Expect The Unexpected).
I also invite you to take a look at a very special organization I've WeRKed with the last five years now… Buzzy's Bees. This is the Death and Grief WeRK I am doing and it's so precious. I will be attending this year's gala and art reveal on September 30th. This is the event where we get to meet the families and give them the paintings we created for their lost little ones. It's so Magical and I am so grateful. If you have the privilege of giving end-of-year gifts OR you want to find ways to help this impactful organization, please do. Here is a link to view all the art they've created for families over the last five years. See if you can figure out which are mine; there are 11 of mine in the mix (PS: you'll be surprised because almost every single piece is different and that's because the kiddos heavily influence every piece!).
I am so excited to see my Art Journals selling like wild. It's so fun to send them out with little notes and gifts! (Art Spells, yay!) I have decided to stock up on some fun stuff for the HollerDAZE. It's been so fun to make thangs in the midst of being SO busy with the WeRKbooks and other deadlines. I love everything I am doing that is such a privilege and a gift! If you got a journal, send me a pic of how you're using it!
Please keep let me know how you're doing out there! I love hearing from y'all! And don't forget you can text me at the number below OR email too.
Harvest all the good stuff Virgo has to offer my dear ones! I am here if you need anything!
xo, d
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.