Welcome to a new week MoonBeams! The last few weeks have been very Mercurial in nature and I don't know about you but it's been way too much WTF for me!
This week Venus brings all the shifts and harsh aspects so let's look ahead together and see what resources and rejuvenation we can pull out of this energy ahead...

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video Below.

ARIES SEASON | take a break to reflect on how this Cardinal Fire Season is going for you!

Aries Season arrived on Monday, March 20th at 14:24pst,
it ends on April 20th at 1:13pst when The Sun moves into the Sign of Taurus.
Big Ass Transits Of The Week!!!

♀→♊︎ Venus Enters Gemini | 2023 APR 10 | 21:47pst |

☉☌ ♃ ♈︎ | Sun Conjunct Jupiter in Aries | 2023 APR 11 | 15:07pst | 21º45'

♀♊︎□♄♓︎ | Venus in Gemini Square Saturn in Pisces
2023 APR 14 | 9:38pst | 04º04'
MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will light up Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and a smidge of Pisces.
Where is this happening in your chart?
The Moon will be in the Last Quarter Moon Phase in Capricorn.
Aries Sun | SAGITTARIUS MOON | 2023 APR 09 | Woooooooooooo Hooooooo Bitches! If you're not having fun, even when shit is on fire and there's chaos everywhere, you're doing it wrong. Seriously. This is a reminder we all need! We can be enraged, activated, and terrified and still remember to. have. all. the. fun. In fact, during times like these, it's even more important to lean into fun & adventure. Why? Because WTF are we fighting for if it's not the freedom to seek and find joy in our daily lives? The future must promise better in order to encourage the discouraged to continue to stand up and speak out. This lunation reminds us that we are LITERALLY fighting for the right to have Drag Shows RN. They are trying to ban the ultimate expression of fun. They are also banning books, movies, and access to the kind of healthcare that makes people feel fully alive and free. They are trying to take all the joy, all the fun, and all the silliness out of processing our emotions and that cannot be allowed to happen. Rejoice in delight & fun during this Moon Trine between the Aries Sun and Sagittarius Moon. And never forget to light a fire to ensure that EVERYONE has access to the portal of joy and fun too!
My Moon Ritual Excerpt: We have to begin our WeRK with our SELF If we're not un/relearning our own way out of the old narratives and patterns we won't be able to fully help create new systems BUT you have to set a timeline for this AND yes, you can continue to do your healing while doing collective WeRK. You'll know when you're using it as an excuse. You'll know when you're new self is ready to enter the world and get to WeRK. Trust your SELF. Move thru this release Ritual and chances are you'll instantly know whether you've been making excuses about doing the collective part of the WeRK. You'll know if you're ready and when you are you'll know how to start. We are built to create systems of mutual aid - it's why we are here at all. So, start with your peeps, WeRK locally, and then collectively. Your Unique, Magical Gifts and Tools were given to you because they are valuable... so let's get thru this Ritual so we can get started fucking around and finding out how!
Aries Sun | AQUARIUS MOON | 2023 APR 13 | Ode to my best friend. This lunation reminds us that a fight for individual freedom IS a fight for collective liberation. It knows that we can all be deeply independent individuals (NOT individualists!) AND a deeply connected collective at the same time. It seems impossible because the narrative has convinced us it is. But, if you've even been to a real festival (see Burning Man, Lightning In A Bottle, or What The Festival are good examples) then you'd know that it's beyond possible, it's Magical and mutually beneficial AND there's no trash or job left undone in the end, even with all the drugs. It's a culture. And culture is designed and maintained by the people who embody and enact it. IF we believe that we can all be the biggest freaks, the weirdest weirdos AND still get the job done... we will. And we will do that WeRK like it's the most fun we've ever had, even if it's shit WeRK. Why? Because we know that doing that WeRK ensures our individual freedoms are protected within the collective whole. It's not a big idea actually. Its just a matter of believing that even deserves a best friend who supports them no matter what. When we have that we no longer see anything we do as wOrk, we only see that doing the WeRK guarantees the best life for our Best Friends (everyone).
Aries Sun | PISCES MOON | 2023 APR 15 |
Yes! It is the Dark Moon again, technically. But didn't we already have one of those in this Aries Season, you ask? Yes, we did. How are we having another one? WELL, we're about to shift into one of these periods that destroys the belief that the square box calendars are... uh, real? I mean, they are real in that you can get one printed out and hold it BUT a square box thing can't mark the rhythms and spirals of a round cycle. They will always have these moments that feel, off because a course correction is the only way to shave the edges off a square to make a circle. This is one of those periods but it's also a huge gift so buckle up babes cuz we're about to get a SECOND Dark Moon in Pisces AND a SECOND New Moon in Aries which will actually be a super unusual opening to the Eclipse portal in Aries (& Libra) over the next 18 months. It's a weird time but it's also a completely normal Astrological/Moon Phase cycle. Look back at what was up for you from March 19-22. That was the last Dark & New Moon Phases here. THIS New Moon (Eclipse) in Aries is on the other side of the Sign. The last one was at 0º50' and this on is at 29º 50'. I will come back to talk more about this later in the week but the main thing to remember about Eclipses is; stay calm, get quiet and don't make any big plans or do (I say any) Magic... best thing to do this week is to reflect on the the last Dark/New Moon cycle AND if you've been here a while you might want to go back and think about what the Taurus/Scorpio Eclipses have been bringing forward for ya! More on that later too!
MAGICmooning | Moon Phase & Ritual
LAST QUARTER MOON | CAPRICORN | 2023 APR 13 | 2:11pst | 23º11'
The Last Quarter Moon is a time of Surrender & Release. The Full Moon WeRK you did last week was powerful & the Last Quarter Moon is a time to take action on releasing the blocks that you discovered need to GTFO during the Full Moon Ritual. It’s okay if you check back & find that not everything is ready to be released. Trust your instincts. This Moon invites you to prepare the Compost that will brew into fuel during the Dark Moon & feed the Seeds of your Intentions in the New Moon.

Here is the chart of The LAST QUARTER MOON in CAPRICORN. Use this info to draw the chart into your SweetAstro WeRKbooks.

Let's take a little walk into the AstroAlgebra and the AstroGeography of this lunation.
This chart is Capricorn Rising and we get that big Cap bonus with The Moon here in Capricorn too. Both are ruled by Saturn which is in Pisces after five long years moving thru Capricorn and Aquarius (both Saturn-ruled Signs).
This is the first big Moon Phase in an empty Capricorn House. Now that Pluto is technically in Aquarius until June of this year we have some time to experience pure Capricorn Moon energy...yayyyyuhhh?!? Hmmm.
This likely also means we're gonna feel that Saturn in Pisces energy put pressure right in our feels during this lunation. Fucking feelings... something a Capricorn Moon doesn't always appreciate so it's good to prepare for some emotions to spill out of any walls or levies we've built to keep our feels in "control".
[insert my usual reminder about how shit is not always just Astrology hard but mostly capitalism/patriarchy hard here] Remember, this is not because a Capricorn Moon is simply always too hard or too cold, well, not totally anyway. It's because a Capricorn Moon is here to help us all move thru big feelings and keep our shit together so we can build something from what we harvest in the process. But, sadly, we've been programmed to deny the true value of emotions or emotional reactions and when this is Moon is hard it will be because of that programming NOT because of Capricorn alone.
This strong, helpful, capable Moon may make us look at the deep, spiritual value of our emotions so we can better use them in our personal rituals AND so we can remember that our best human tool is our ability to take care of our neighbors and our communities; something we've been intentionally trained to forget. In order to find the value in emotions and reactions we have to sit with them, listen to them, AND feel them.
What makes me the most curious is that Mars in Cancer, which is ruling that Aries Sun (and Jupiter & Chiron too). This sightline will likely bring endless 'opportunities' to learn about emotions and emotional reactions. With Mars beaming rays from the 7th House to the 4th House, it reminds us that our obligations and duties are meant to be directed at tending to each other's emotions NOT repressing them. Protecting our collective "home" means protecting each other's true identities and emotional selves. In these times it feels like almost no one knows how to do that.
We must acknowledge that the current collective agreements are busted. They are also often hateful, hate-filled, and violent.
In order to recreate them we must first see them and that's what reactions teach us; that there's always a tendable edge there. It takes wOrk and WeRK to tend to those edges and we are all worth it.
The collective message of this lunation says we're probably gonna be shown all the ways we are not prioritizing the value of our collective emotions AND/OR what powerful Magic those reactions reveal to us. Without this Magical Gift & Tool our collective safety and wellness will continue to be threatened & harmed.
What are your emotions and reactions trying to teach you?
What House is Aries in your chart?
What House is Capricorn in your chart?
Check out the Last Quarter Moon Ritual if you really want to get into it.
The Moon Rituals for Aries Season ARE HERE!
This powerful Cardinal Season is ripe for fucking around and finding out. It's also a very rare opportunity to experience a Hybrid Lunar Eclipse with TWO New Moon's in Aries happening in this cycle. We're gonna get some hints into what the Eclipse Portal in Aries/Libra may bring us as it beings to activate later this year.

Here's This Week's Video:
This Week's Events & Reminders
Hey MoonBeams!
Just a few reminders. You can still get access to this Mercury Retrograde in Taurus WeRKshop! If you're a Threshold Pathway II Member OR a Subscriber to the SweetAstro Newsletter you've already received the DISCOUNT CODE. If not, all you have to do is subscribe to the SweetAstro Newsletter and you'll get the code.
Prepare for the Mercury Retrograde Cycle AND learn how to use Mercury energy to dismantle a bad system AND how to design and rebuild a new one.
Join us for a Live Q&A Session to further discuss the Mercury Retrograde WeRK or just to ask any other Astrology questions. See the RSVP Link below.
I hope to see y'all there. And don't forget, if you have any questions, please reach out!
LIVE Q&A Sessions:
- WEDNESDAY, April 12, 2023 | 5:30-7pm (8:30-10pm) | We will review any Questions about the SweetAstro WeRKbook AND the BONUS Mercury Rx WeRKshop. (Want Access to the prerecorded WeRKshop? Click here)
- MONDAY, April 17, 2023 | 5-7pm pst (8-10pm est) | We will review our Aries Season WeRk and the review WeRKsheets then prep for Taurus Season in the WeRKbook. Open for live questions and you can submit questions via email.
<<< RSVP for the Zoom Link. All are welcome to attend.
Get A 'You Don't Hate Mercury Retrograde, You Hate Capitalism" Sticker... Cuz, It's True.
My Spring Astrology Readings Are Now Fully Booked & Summer Dates Will Be Open Soon (but Limited)
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.
I have been so fucking sick this week, yo, like WTF sick. It wasn't Covid but at this point, I don't even care because the flu and colds are also bullshit, especially when you suffer from chronic respiratory issues. Luckily my immune system seems to be WeRKing pretty well and I am starting to turn things around, yay!
So, no video picture or photo this week but here's a quick self-portrait of me to fill in the gap, lol.
Hopefully, I'll be fully recovered by Wednesday's Live Q&A session. I hope to see y'all there. Stay healthy, safe, and full of disruptive energy!
xo, d.