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VENUS | Planet of Relationships


Is the second of the three Personal Planets. It only Stations Retrograde once every 18ish months and has a very beautiful longer cycle of Retrogrades that repeat over and over in the same parts of our charts in our lifetime. Its Retrograde helps us reevaluate our relationship and connections to our needs. 

Venus' focus is on relating and integrating in a more personal and physical plane. Venus rules both Taurus and Libra. This is why it's the planet of relationships, values, possessions, and both economies and ecosystems. Venus evaluates for the purpose of building emotional and sensual connections and improving our overall aesthetic health and wellness. And yes, in this scenario health and wellness equal beauty, art, and hugs because they are equally important as food, shelter & water. 

Notice how whiteness wants us to focus on superficial values & competition over true integration and relationships. Yes, Venus can be vain, greedy & frivolous. But, that's BECAUSE its purpose is to find out what is valuable to us. Venus reminds us that each of us values different things based on our Venus placements. Venus is helping us understand and share beauty and harmony thru things like art and music NOT just by meeting our basic needs. It's about connecting to literally everything thru unification and symbiosis rather than the lack mindset and "fear of losing love because we're not good enough" behaviors perpetuated by capitalism. 

As you study Venus make sure you don't allow the stream of pretty, lovey keywords to distract you from the importance of its connection to ecosystems and economies. Venus is literal money and the actual environment, it's not just a hallmark card and/or why we do or don't want to get married. 

And don't forget to study the Shadows of Venus: jealousy, greed, vanity & envy,  endless comparisons, codependency, and getting stuck in abusive relationships. It can also warp our relationships with our own bodies and sense of self when we allow capitalism and whiteness to be in charge of telling us what's beautiful. The best tool for exploring Venus' Shadows is its larger Retrograde cycles. 

Take time to learn about your Natal Venus (where it's located in your birth chart) so you can understand how you can best use this powerful, Magical Gift and Tool to fall in love with your self and to get what YOU really need.  

Venus Retrogrades

Venus Rx Cycle Playlists

Venus Cycles are so fascinating. Basically, if you want to see what Venus Retrogrades are up to in your Life Cycles you have to look back eight years from THIS Cycle to what was up for you. So, eight years ago from December  2013 to February 2014 what were you doing? 

What values shifted? 

What relationships ended? 

What was up with your relationship with Money? 

What old relationships were rekindled for a bit? 

Not sure? 

Here are some tips for triggering your memories: 

  • Look at old calendars and journals
  • Look at old emails and social media posts
  • If you have kids think about what grades they were in and what they were doing. 
  • How old were you during this time?

But here's the best protip:

I mean fucking seriously, these two Mega Billionaires were just getting started taking over the world in 2013 so... if that's not the most ridiculous Venus in Capricron SHIT ever then I just don't fucking know. Twats. 

So why all the nostalgia? Well, because art and music stick in a different part of our brain and store better memories than the other part of our brain. If you're not sure what you were doing these things may trigger you. And, if you don't have any personal stories, that's okay. These links also show lots of examples of what happens for the collective during a Venus Retrograde in Capricorn. Which repeats again every 8ish years. 

The things that stood out for me were the ones that Verge Magazine listed. Look at all those tech companies just starting to get big making their owners mega-millionaires (who are Mega-BILLIONAIRES just eight years later. 

Look at BitCoin, "2013 was the year that people really started to take Bitcoin seriously" the article says. And Netflix dominated the idea of streaming binge-worthy shows and "the Emmys made it official when Netflix shows earned 14 nominations".  Chelsea Manning came out in court as Transgender on August 22, 2013 when Venus was in Libra, Square to Pluto in Capricorn - which is the planet of profound transformations. 

I could go on and on about how interesting this is but I invite you to look back at your life too. 

Where is Capricorn living in your chart? What are those House themes? Go back and reread the Venus Retrograde questions again, but put them in this House. 

Take note of what you discover. You may see similar themes or topics for this Retrograde. It can be easy to think, "I thought I was done with this" but are you? the Cycles are actually spirals, so sometimes we come back, close, but not totally back. Do the WeRK and you'll be glad you got another chance to reevaluate these parts of your life. 

Here are the Astro102 details: 

  • Entered the Shadow 11/17/13 @ 18º Capricorn
  • Stations Retrograde on12/21/13 @ 28° Capricorn  
  • Stations Direct on 1/31/14 @ 18°Capricorn   
  • Exits shadow 3/4/14 @ 28° Capricorn  

Take notes as you move thru these Retrograde cycles and then put them somewhere you can come back to every eight years. I promise it's all worth archiving! 


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