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MOONlite WeRKbook

To Purchase This WeRKbook OR for more info about The MOONlite WeRKbook Process and Offerings click here. 


I am so excited to share this new MOONlite WeRKbook with y‘all. It‘s been a long road creating these Magical Tools but I‘ve loved every minute of it!

This is a *lite* version of the SweetAstro WeRKbook that focuses on more attention on The Moon. Each week you‘ll tune into the weekly content; The AstroWeathers Post, Video & Podcast which includes the latest Moon info. You can also access The Moon Rituals Post for addtional Moon Magic. This WeRKbook flows the same way the SweetAstro WeRKbook does EXCEPT it‘s only paying attention to The Moon.

I consider this an amazing starting point if you‘re new... (WELCOME!!!) OR if you‘ve felt like the SweetAstroWeRKbook was *too much* at this time. It is a BFD to do this WeRK in daily your life so if you need an easier path this MOONlite WeRKbook is for you!


These WeRKbooks contain WeRKsheets for Three Sun Seasons (roughly 3 months). 

They are best purchased before the next Cardinal Sun Season ahead... these are...

  • Aries - starting around March 21st
  • Cancer - starting around June 20th
  • Libra - starting around September 22nd
  • Capricorn - starting around December 21st

HOWEVER, they can be used anytime, the weekly journal pages may just be a bit skewed but you'll get 13 weeks of journaling and content in each WeRKbook.