Astrology And Sex Magic
AIR In The Pleasure House

The 12th House | Repression, Isolation, The Cellar Door

The 8th House | Desire, Pain, Shame, Sex

Astrology & Sex Magic In The Natal Chart

Astrology is an excellent tool for disruption, revolution, and repair. It can show us our wounds and validate our lived experiences but the best offerings Astrology can bring are the uniquely personal Magical Gifts and Tools it reveals. This WeRK often requires us to move thru our shit and deep into our ShadowWeRK but it never leaves us without a map on this journey. In my practice, I am always looking for ways to expand out from what we already think we know about this ancient language and tool in order to cause disruption, both internally as individuals and...
The 5th House | Pleasure, Play, Romance, Risk

The Fifth House | The House of Pleasure, Creativity, Creation, Playfulness & Romance. The Fifth House is where Venus, the planet of how we relate to everything, seek pleasure, integrate our needs, and engage in rituals, finds its joy. This is where we can find our own personal gateway to what we need. The Fifth House is also loosly associated with Leo and The Sun, inviting us to remember that all pleasure is not derived from others or external projects; sometimes the most powerful pleasure is self pleasure. Learning About YOUR Pleasure House | The Basics Entering The House of...