It's Time To Leave ALL The Metta Apps
what the actual fuck now?
that's right.
it's time to let this go
to get super uncomfortable
and sacrifice some shit
Like, delete account, delete apps, delete messages forever.
But don't worry, I'm gonna share some ideas, support & resources I found as I moved thru this process.
💡 Did you know
Mark ZSuckerberg is a proud zionotsee who has used both the power of metta and his personal wealth to support isNOTreal.
He's used the algorithms inside metta to censor and silence pro-Palestinian voices. This has helped many reframe their perspectives on how speech is or should be censored. This article brings up some interesting points and shows very clearly how supporters of isNOTreal too often totally miss the point when they use propaganda or brute force to ban something and that only proves how they are the aggressors. For example, trying to remove the word zionist also makes it so proud zionists can't beep their horns about how much tey love being brutal thieves and occupiers committing a genocide.
No One Said The Revolution Would Be Easy
This is the part where we start getting uncomfortable. This is the part where we sacrifice things we like or "need" for the greater good. This is where we get creative and pivot because we actually can if we try. This is the part where we admit this is hard and we do it anyway. It's also an opportunity to connect with more intention and build new community with folx who are more aligned with the WeRK you intend to do going in to 2025 and beyond.
Four Reasons To Leave The Mettamonster

- Boycott & Divest even if you don't make money personally advertisers spend money on ads to get YOU to buy things. How many ads are you seeing per day? Removing your eyes takes money from metta's pockets.
- Censorship = Bad if you're gonna censor shit, censor all the shit not just the thangs you don't like. It's a proven fact that metta has actively & intentionally suppressed Pro-Pali voices & punished creators who've spoken out. They've also said they will no longer be moderating hate speech so thangs are about to get MAGAaaaGross in there.
- Run by zionotsesss the company is owned, managed & operated by self described, proud zios. Supporting this platform supports them. I feel like this one should be so obvious but it's also hard to let go of thangs, especially when we've lost so much the last five years.
- Connect with new friends there are people in the world who aren't in metta. There are people in other countries who have designed other apps, better apps. There are also other ways to connect, yes even for disabled, marginalized, & isolated folx (more on this later)
😍 One of the biggest struggles folx have shared with me, outside of the more solvable issues like downloading content and moving to another app is that they have authentic community in these platforms and they don't want to leave that.
YOU are not alone
This mindset that we're going to be so, so lost without the groups and connections we have inside of metta apps is real - some of us have had this app for 10-18 years!!! No one is saying this is easy BUT no change is ever made in comfort babes. The thing I keep reminding folx of is that WE are the algorithm!
We have a lot of power and it's intentional that we forget that. A major component of UN/RE-learning is remembering that we are the fuel for all of these things they "give us for free". Taking your time and attention back is a power grab. And sure, it can also mean you have to give up some relationships and potentially some income if you have your businesses tied to these platforms (again THAT was intentional too). Reclaiming all that metta takes from us will be uncomfortable but you won't die. You won't lose everything. And if we've learned anything since October 7, 2023, I hope its that WE have everything as long as we're alive and willing to fight for each other.
No Kneejerk Reactions...
The strangest thing about this whole process has been acknowledging my kneejerk reactions to leaving these spaces. This was not an overnight decision or process for me and no one is saying it has to be for you. It might seem that way if my departure was the first time you heard of this mass exodus or ever even considered leaving.
It's also hard to understand when myself and real activists have been saying "use your social media to speak out" for the last 16 months. That was true and it did make a huge impact BUT now metta is adding additional layers of fuckery to further sllence us

AND because they were able to do that so successfully they believe, 'wow these humans will never leave us, even when they know what we've done and that's potentially allowed thousands and thousands more people to die"
If we don't use our power they will use theirs.
This is a power move and THAT is what Pluto in Aquarius will demand from us, power moves always. Especially where our power connects to information, revolution, innovation, and disrupting toxic systems that hurt the larger collective.
There is a method to the madness
Once you settle those knees and decide, okay, I'm gonna fucking do this DO NOT just delete you accounts cold turkey. THAT is how you'll end up isolated, scared and regretful about this process.
Let me share what I've learned in this process as well as some of the content creators that have helped me make this move.
Here are the steps I took to prepare for this severing:
What is Community for You?!
- A lot of folx I talked to said it was "community" but when I asked them how many people they actually talk to about real shit via these apps they were kinda surprised. They also realized they have other ways to connect with a majority of the people they talk to regularly.
- Consider forging some new communities.
- Talk to the folx you claim to be in community with on your pages and see if they would be willing to switch with you.
- Search some of your favorite content creators and see if they are already on the other apps you want to move to.
- My guess is, if you don't feel comfortable talking to anyone on your socials about these things you are NOT really in community with them.
- Try to find new communities on other platforms and social apps.
- Branch out into other interests and try apps you never really got into before.
- Ask this community if any of them have other groups or platforms they like.
- Let your self notice all the feelings and fears that come up around this. I learned so fucking much about my self in this process.
- If you're able, try to find community outside of the interwebs.
- Join a fund club, check out meetups in your area, volunteer your time.
- I started playing volleyball and got a new job. I don't plan to make these folx my besties BUT it does help with isolation and any fears we have about being bored or lonely. At least it did for me.
If you make money on the apps, I will make another list for y'all further down about that process/WeRK. I know this seems harder for you but if you made it thru a whole pandemic, this economic situation we're in AND talking openly about a genocide YOU can make it thru anything. It's different for sure cuz capitalism sucks
Oh Shit, It's Happening
- Choose where you're gonna go... what apps will you stay with? What new ones?
- Set up those accounts and start practicing with new apps to see if you like them. Make new connections there as much as you can before...
- You make an announcement that you're leaving and let everyone know your leave date.
- This is why I deleted all the folx I didn't want to follow me to the new platforms.
- Let people know why you're leaving and how important it is to you
- This is a chance to not only educate but to empower others.
- Repeat this announcement over and over in different ways. This is more important if you make money from metta platforms and you're hoping your customers will follow you.
- Consider other forms of engagement too...email, chat apps like Signal, Voxer, Discord (but NOT WhatsApp because it is also owned by metta - see full list below)
- Don't forget that we communicated in lots of ways before we had social media!
- Take your community with you as much as you can
- Notice the folx who push back and why. You might learn some uncomfortable things about your "community" that reveals that they actually are NOT your community after all.
Reach Out For Support
- This can be really hard.
- A lot of people have told me about how even tho their friends and family in these apps don't have the same values they don't want to disconnect with them. This is a huge issue so give your self time to work thru that before you pull the cord out.
- Again, having lots of conversation with folx showed me who my community really was.
- Trust that your new community, one that's loud and proud about their values on a platform that doesn't piss you off and censor you constantly WILL be amazing.
- Those conversations will also foster closer relationships with individuals that may have just stayed a vague and distant "friend" or "follower" number.
- Noticing what comes up emotionally during this process is ShadowWeRK so be very, very proud of your self the entire time.
- These apps are part of our culture AND they are powerful weapons of capitalism, white supremacy, and patriarchy.
- Start planning out new content for your new platforms.
- Think about the things you want to share and say way into the future so you have things to look forward too.
- Delete your accounts
- Delete the apps
- Put the new apps in the same place on your phone/tablet as they were before.
I'll add more steps as they come thru my processing of all this. If you have anything to share, please reach out or comment below!
Downloading & Deleting Your Metta Content & Accounts
Step By Step Instructions
Downloading or Transfering your meta data:
Go to your Facebook or IG accounts. These will be the same steps either way
- Settings & Privacy
- Settings
- See more in account center (link)
- Your Information & Permissions
- Select : Download or Transfer
- Follow prompts based on how and what you want to save.
- This will prompt you to do both your Instagram accounts and personal accounts at the same time. (Make sure you’re logged into both on your phone or computer – that seemed to work better for me)
I wasn’t prompted on “where to send the download” so once you get the email about your download being ready make sure you check that you got the information you wanted when the download arrives.
Depending on what you asked it to archive, the download can take some time so be patient and wait for your download.
Check that you have what you need before you delete your account.
Make sure the close date you choose gives you enough time to get the content you want.
BUT/AND think of all the people in Gaza, Asheville, and LA who weren't able to gather all their goods before they lost them forever. Maybe there's some value to starting over too.
Downloading Your Photo Albums
Step By Step Instructions
Transfering Your Photos & Albums
As far as I know this only works in Facebook but I am trying to figure out a way to download IG info more easily.
- Click your account photo in the upper right corner
- Click Your Account Name
- This takes you to your main page dashboard
- Select PHOTOS
- Select ALBUMS
- In the cover image of the album click the ... in the upper right corner
- Select the destination you want the photos to go to.
- I use Dropbox but there are a lot of options.
- Follow the prompts until the transfer starts.
- You can only move one album at a time so be patient. This takes time.
- Ask yourself, do I already have these photos elsewhere? Data takes up space and has an environmental impact!!
I wasn’t prompted on “where to send the download” so once you get the email about your download being ready make sure you check that you got the information you wanted when the download arrives.
Depending on what you asked it to archive, the download can take some time so be patient and wait for your download.
Check that you have what you need before you delete your account.
Make sure the close date you choose gives you enough time to get the content you want.
BUT/AND think of all the people in Gaza, Asheville, and LA who weren't able to gather all their goods before they lost them forever. Maybe there's some value to starting over too.
Make The Break Complete...
To Delete Your Account
Settings & Privacy
See more in account center (link)
Personal Details
Account ownership and control
Deactivate or Delete, select Delete
Delete apps from all your devices.
Don’t forget that Meta owns all of these platforms:
Meta Apps |
Where You Can Find Me...
Bluesky Social is a lot like Twitter but without all the assholes (tho they try hard to show up every day and troll). At least you're free to say what you want without censorship.
They have been talking about charging for the app as more people join and moderating costs them a great deal. They would need memberships so they don't have to take advertising money. As much as the business owning babes make want to be able to do ads, it fucking sucks to look at 6-7 ads for every friend post on metta. I'd happily pay a few dollars a month for this app.

Fanbase seems the most like Insta. It also has an interesting monetization feature. I've never made money from my IG so I don't know how that worked. I am not interested in making any content for free at this point so I haven't spent too much time on this app yet.
The best feature of this app is that it's Black owned, designed and operated.
I'll come back and share more after I've tried this out more.

The Little Red Book (Xiaohungshu)
This is another Chinese App so seeing how folx react to joining this has been so wild (especially folx who've been on Twitter & cried about it leaving). There are clearly some really deep brainworms around China and Chinese Culture that we need to dig into. I think that was also the case with Arab people and culture, Muslims, and Middle Eastern narratives when many of us learned about Palestine for the first time. I know I don't trust one single word or narrative I hold from meriKKKa at this point. Everything now requires us to do the research. And that means not just believing the first reel we see about something but actually doing our own research in addition to listening to folx we trust.

I've been in the weeds on this one for a while and I am so in love with how it's helping me UN/RE-learn so much. I've pulled out so many brainworms I almost feel gross admitting I held that many false narratives and hateful lies about Chinese people and culture in my self.
Even if you never use this to post like you would have in a metta app, making friends with THE PEOPLE in a communist country might help in so many other ways. If you're uncomfortable about it you really need to ask your self why... this is an exercise we should all be doing about every fucking thing at this point. IMO anyway.
Lean into it and let me know what you think. If you find out anything interesting, I'd love to hear about it.
My favorite things are:
- Learning Chinese, especially slang and acronyms
- Seeing all the amazing art & fashion
- Being able to ask real people questions AND they actually respond with as much curiosity about me/our culture.
- The Cat Tax. So good.
This is not an app for activism. That's not really how this app is intended to be used BUT I did a through search for Palestinian and IsNOTSEEreal content and I saw ZERO pro-IsNOTSEEreal content. That's right... ZERO. Chinese people seem very clear on what's happening in Palestine and they have no fucks to give IsNOTSEEreal. It's amazing.
They also love Luigi. We're talking fan art babes. So fucking good.
I still have Pinterest, but I don't use it. It never stuck for me before but I have notice a great deal more people following my astro & art content there so I may get more active.
Follow Me, Join Me, Buttttt.....
Look, I am not sharing my @'s here. I am not encouraging anyone to follow me. I love you and I want to connect with you BUT it really hasn't been clear that I don't want to spend time with people who are not LOUD. I don't want to support your biz or your WeRK if you're not weaving anti-colonialism/capitalism into your content consistently. If you're not sharing content about the world and being an actionist. That is what my socials are for. I am not looking to collect a bunch of followers who just want to devour what I share but have nothing to share back. I am not running a business anymore. AstroArtistry is "closed" to the public and I don't know if that's permanent or not. I don't know what happens next on that front. All I know is that I am seeking to make connections with real ones. So, while I love to you to The Moon and Back please don't connect with me on socials if you're really doing the actions in your accounts. I know it sounds harsh but it's for my mental health.
I would love to talk with you via email or here in the comments on my blogs. If you want to share something I want to hear it. I would love to talk with you about why you're still not able to be an actionist... maybe we can come up with a plan for you to do that together. I am happy to chat, anytime, with anyone.
If you follow me, I will look at your content, your bio, your pics. If it's not clear where you stand I will not follow you and chances are (as time permits) I will remove you as a follower. Again, this can feel really harsh to some people and that's your WeRK if you can't understand why I have a right to keep that boundary. I am happy to talk about it if you want to (but I do have limits on this too). I want space that feels safe and productive for me. I need comMOONity too.
I do have some circles going outside of the socials and I may open those back up to new folx again. If you're curious about those, reach out. Again, they are for the real ones at this time.
Please share any questions, comments, insights, or apps/spaces you enjoy in the comments. Feel free to share your @'s if you want to connect with more MoonBeams (y'all can have your own boundaries on that)
I love you so much. I wish you all the very, very best. AND, I hope to see you out in the world, doing the WeRK & making a mess.
xo, d.